What is Icelandic Lamb?


When Icelanders’ ancestors first came to the island more than 1100 years ago, the sheep that accompanied them jumped to bite the Idle Green vegetation that awaited them on the good land. This started sheep farming in Iceland.

Icelandic lambs walk freely through mountains and valleys and grazing lands on the Icelandic heaths, biting wild herbs and other nutritious vegetation.

The lambs ain't nothing like it and can be easily recognized by its delicious flavor. The sheep has brilliant taste.


Fine meat quality and high-quality softness

Icelandic lambs are grazed freely throughout the island in the great outdoors.
Eat as much nutritious herbs and grasses as you like, and drink the quality Icelandic water to grow big.

Safe and secure pure Icelandic rum

The use of growth hormones is prohibited and the use of antibiotics is strictly regulated in grazing Icelandic lambs.
In addition, the wild plants that sheep eat are free of pesticides and herbicides, as the cold climate protects them from pests and pests.

Most Japanese have never eaten?

About 1% of the rum imported into Japan is said to come from Iceland.
Because it is so rare, it is a rare ingredient that most Japanese people have never eaten.

Easy to eat with almost no odor peculiar to mutton

Normally, lamb is grown for 6 to 10 months before being shipped, so it is said that it tends to retain its unique peculiar taste and smell.
On the other hand, 4-5 month old Icelandic lamb has less peculiarity and smell.




①お肉を解凍し、常温に戻します。 ポイント:冷蔵庫で一晩かけて解凍すると旨み成分のドリップの漏れが少なく解凍されます! ②お肉に軽く塩・こしょうをまぶします。 ③フライパンに油を敷き、弱~中火で熱します。 ④お肉の脂身の側面を1分ほど焼きます。 ポイント:ローズマリーなどのハーブと一緒に焼い...

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